Chances of employment

Specialists of all fields have a good chance of being placed, for them it is primarily a matter of time and patience to succeed. Having a conformity certificate about education by the time of application, as well as existing Swedish language knowledge is definitely an advantage.
Unfortunately, the outlook for resident doctors is not so good, as there is a shortage of specialists in particular. Despite the general trend, there are projects from time to time where we place resident candidates.
Employers welcome it if a candidate wants to move with family, as they are more likely to stay for a longer period of time than their more mobile, single colleagues.
Recruitment to Sweden is a time-consuming process, given that it takes roughly a year from applying for a job to the point of filling it.
The most important steps and stages of the procedure:


It is possible to apply to our database in general or directly to one of our advertised jobs. It should be noted that we are not looking for jobs for individual candidates, but we are presenting existing job opportunities to our registered clients. All new positions will be brought to the attention of all relevant candidates and all interested candidates who meet the criteria for the position will be invited to apply. After submitting the applications, the Swedish employers decide whom they consider most suitable for the given position.


This process usually takes a few weeks, but it can take months and always consists of several steps.
The first step is to take part in a preliminary interview with one of our colleagues, the aim of which is to get to know our candidates, their suitability for the given position, their personality, motivations and family background. At this interview, we present the recruitment process, responsibilities and necessary commitments in detail.
Then we put together the necessary documents for application for the candidates and submit the applications.
After the application deadline, there is often an online interview with the Swedish employer, to which they invite candidates who are considered most interesting.
All applicants will be notified of the result of the selection process, be it positive or negative for the respective candidate.

Personal interview

Those candidate(s) who were considered most suitable for the position during the pre-screening will be invited for a personal interview by the Swedish employer, which includes a 3-4 day program along with the round trip. At the location, candidates visit the hospital, the clinic, the department, meet their prospective colleagues, and take a sightseeing tour. The costs are covered by the employer or our company.

Conclusion of a contract

Within one to two weeks of returning home from a successful interview, the employer offers a letter of intent or job guarantee (Guarantee of Employment / Letter of Intent), which guarantees a job for the candidate if he / she successfully completes the required Swedish language training on C1 level and is licensed by the Swedish healthcare authorities.
As Swedish employers sacrifice significant sums for the selection process and support for candidates, they only offer longer-term contracts. A contract of at least two or three years is typical, often with a reimbursement obligation, and a probation period of six months.

Language education

The language of work is exclusively Swedish. In order to acquire the necessary C1 level, the Swedish employers, with the help of our company, provide a language course, all costs covered, and in order to ensure the employee’s livelihood during this period (approximately 5-7 months), we provide a monthly financial support. The location of the course is typically Budapest or Bucharest, or occasionally a combination of locations (starting in Hungary, ending in Sweden).
During the Swedish registration process, our candidates can prove their acquired language level (C1) with a language exam. The certificates given by the training institutions cooperating with us are suitable for registration.
The start of the language course, which is tailored to the availability of the candidates, typically takes place within 1-3 months from the signing of the contract.
Language training is usually conducted in a small group (with 2-6 people) and consists of 700-800 hours.
There are two models for language training:
– intensive full-time training (6 hours per day with a teacher and at least 2-3 hours of preparation at home) up to level B2 (4-5 months), then moving to Sweden and completing the final phase up to level C1, part-time (additional 3 months),
– intensive full-time training up to C1 level (6-6.5 months).
Training can take place in the classroom or online, or a combination of the two.

Language training for family members

In each project we have a separate agreement on language learning opportunities for family members, but it is usually possible to have at least some basic education for the moving partner and school-age children. In some cases, it may even be a requirement for relatives to undergo training up to B1 or B2 level.
Relatives do not receive financial support during the language training but participate in the course completely free of charge.

Applying for a Swedish license to practice

After April 15. 2016:
– SEK 2900-2900 for both basic medical and specialist medical registration
– SEK 870 for dentist registration
– A fee of SEK 870 must be paid in advance for general nurse registration at the time of application.
Applicants must prove their knowledge of Swedish (or Danish or Norwegian) when submitting their application.
Advanced C1 language proficiency is required for registration.
A C1 language test certificate is required to submit a successful application, so it is only possible to start the process after obtaining it. Before that, however, our responsible colleague prepares everything for the application, so we will submit the application immediately upon receipt of the language exam certificate. The assessment normally takes 1-3 months.
We recommend our candidates who want to work as a doctor in Sweden but have not submitted their application for registration to the Socialstyrelsen by 15 April 2016 or do not have Swedish (or Danish or Norwegian) language skills to start learning Swedish as soon as possible to increase their chances. (Our language school partners are, of course, happy to be available to our candidates in this regard as well.)

The moving process, relocation

Practical preparation for the life in Sweden begins during the language course, when our Swedish relocation partner:
– is looking for an apartment and mediating when concluding a lease agreement,
– orders the necessary services (internet, home insurance, etc.)
– is looking for a kindergarten, school and arranging enrollment,
– requests the personal number essential for living in Sweden from the Swedish tax authorities,
then after arriving in Sweden:
– welcomes families on arrival,
– accompanies and assists the tax authorities,
– accompanies you to the bank and helps you to open a bank account,
– is unlimitedly available during the first weeks to assist the candidate and his / her family with information if necessary.

It is the task of our company to organize the moving itself. We book and pay for plane, train and other tickets for your trip. In the case of moving by car, it is possible to settle the costs afterwards.
We enter into individual agreements with the candidates on the financing possibilities for the delivery of furniture and other belongings.

Starting work

It is necessary to start working within two to three weeks after the completion of the language training, so that the acquired language skills do not start to fade, and the candidate can get paid as soon as possible. It is also possible to start work without a Swedish permit as an assistant doctor or nurse for a few weeks, until the license arrives.


In 2020, the average salary is:

  • SEK 78,700 for specialists
  • SEK 49,300 for dentists
  • SEK 38,200 for general nurses.
    An increase of SEK 2-4,000 in average salaries is expected this year.
    The above figures may vary by profession and age, resulting in significantly higher salaries.


Send us a message or get in touch at any of our contact details below, and we will respond to your inquiry within 24 hours .

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Noémi:     +36 20 489 3326 Barbara: +36 20 489 2528

Email: Skype: mediflexible-noemi

Adress: Jácint utca 36. Kozármisleny, Hungary, H-77611