Radiographer / X-ray assistant

X-ray in Hudiksvall Hospital/ Hudiksvall city/ Gävleborg Region

Qualification required

Academic degree in Radiography/ X-ray assistance.

Description of work at the actual clinic and its assignment and goal

The X-ray department is part of the business area Imaging and Functional Medicine and we work with Diagnostic Radiology in expedient premises with modern equipment. Conventional X-ray examinations such as skeletons and lungs, sectional diagnostics with two computed tomographs and two magnetic cameras, X-rays/ intervention and ultrasound examinations are performed here. At the department, some treatment measures are also performed, such as narrowing of blood vessels and relief of the kidneys.

Hudiksvall Hospital is an emergency hospital, what means that our operations at the X-ray department are combined with both emergency and planned activities. We have a round-the-clock activity, which means both day, evening/ night work and night preparedness.

Right now, we are in an exciting phase with upgrading our business, we are further modernizing our business and preparing for new fresh premises.

At the X-ray department in Hudiksvall, approximately 40.000 different diagnostic examinations are performed per year, of which 50% are emergency examinations.

Our machinery consists of:

2 magnetic resonance imaging (Siemens 1.5T and 3T)

2 computed tomography (Siemens and Canon)

2 skeletal apparatus (Siemens)

1 fluoroscopy/intervention (Siemens).

2 ultrasounds (staffed by a nurse).

Our working hours are

07:30-16 (30 min lunch)

14:00-22:00 (30 min lunch)


As a new employee, you begin with an introduction to learn our routines and our machinery.

While language training is in progress, the nursing assistants follow the introduction program, which means learning our reception, information desk and ultrasound.

When C1 in Swedish is completed (see “Setup for language course B2-C1”in the end of the document)and the application for Swedish radiographer legitimation is submitted, the introduction program for radiographer begins, which takes 6-12 months depending on previous clinical experience.

What is attractive about the service/ business?

As a radiographer, you work in a high-tech environment with nursing, imaging and functional medicine, radiation physics and medicine, all of which constitute different knowledge dimensions that are combined in clinical practice.

In your daily work, you meet people ranging from neonatal to 100+ year olds, people with varying ethnic backgrounds, people with different diseases.

At X-ray in Hudiksvall, you will work with the modalities of computed tomography, conventional X-ray and fluoroscopy, which is the basic knowledge for a radiographer.

Working evenings, nights and weekends is a requirement (after introduction).

The population of the catchment area

About 37.000 in Hudiksvall municipality.

Number of employees

22 radiographers

14 assistant nurses

9 ST doctors (trainees)

4 specialist doctors

15 chief doctors

4 administrative staff.

Job description/ what is included in the service and placement

A radiographer independently performs various types of diagnostic examinations. The job also includes assisting doctors with certain interventional treatments or fluoroscopy examinations. X-ray in Hudiksvall is a 24-hour activity, which means both day, evening and night work.

Clinical experience

No clinical experience is required as the radiographer will receive an introduction that is for a period of about 8-12 months depending on previous experience. The aim of the introduction is to learn the machine park, routines, methods and working methods on X-ray Hudiksvall.

Important personal characteristics

Responsive, confident as a person.


The salary for radiographers in Sweden is 30-52.000 SEK.

However, the candidate begins his employment as an X-ray assistant with 12 months temporary employment and salary of 29.700 SEK (from 25.04.01). If everything goes according to plan, the temporary employment will be transferred to permanent employment as either an X-ray assistant or a radiographer. After this period the salary will be negotiated individually depending on experience and ability to work in Sweden. Employment as a radiographer requires licence to practice from the National Board of Health and Welfare which in turn requires C1 in Swedish. And the salary for a newly graduated radiographer without any experience is at least 30.000 SEK (from 25.04.01). For radiographers with more experience, it will be higher as it is written above.

On-call duties and their organisation

During the introduction (8-12 months), you work during the day from 7:30 to 16:00 Monday-Friday.

Then you start with the so-called 19 tours at 8.00-19: 00.

Then you add a weekly schedule and on a 9-weeks’ schedule you do about 7 evenings (14.00-22.00) and 7 nights (21.30-7.30) and 3 weekend for 9 weeks.

Evening and weekend, the ward is staffed by 1 radiographer and 1 assistant nurse.

Setup for language course

The language course up to level B2  is carried out in the home country/ online or on campus, including an intensive course which takes around 4-5 months.

B2 – C1 is carried out from the workplace in Hudiksvall and is combined with work as an assistant nurse and studies 50% / 50%, i.e. work mornings and studies afternoons Monday – Friday. It takes 3 months.

Services offered by the employer and Mediflexible

  • During the personal visit which is part of the interview process, the cost of travel, accommodation and meals are financed by Mediflexible
  • Free Swedish course from A1 to C1 level. Between A1 and B2 online and B2 – C1 in the workplace in combination with work. The candidates will study each afternoon after work. Financial support during the course up to B2 (the amount is topic of negotiation).
  • Free language education for family members – to B2 level for spouses and school-age children is obligatory.
  • Help with the application for Swedish license to practice, supervision of the process
  • free Swedish legal and social training which consists of 40 lessons
  • Integration assistance (assistance in registering at tax authority, opening bank account, etc.)
  • Assistance in finding school/kindergarten for the children
  • Assistance in the organization of moving and in apartment-seeking
  • Support for moving: 30.000 SEK for singles and 45.000 SEK for families for furniture transport + 5.000 SEK for travel costs.

Documents required for application:

  • Professional English CV in which your experience is detailed
  • Cover letter
  • Scanned version of license to practice in home country with English translation (no official needed)
  • Scanned version of medical and specialist certificates with English translation (no official needed)
  • Two English-speaking reference persons who is reachable on phone and one is a chief and the other is a colleague (can be former ones, if not possible to have current ones)

Further requirements

As a part of the application process, we need to take a personality test with our candidates and its result must be presented for the Swedish employer.

Location, useful links:

General information about Sweden:

If you are interested, please send your detailed professional CV and the other necessary documents to until 14. February!